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Tagungs- und Konferenzbeiträge
Titel Tagung Autoren

9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation 

Berkling, Kay; Fay, Johanna; Ghayoomi, Masood; Hein, Katrin; Lavalley, Rémi; Linhuber, Ludwig; Stüker, Sebastian 

Theorie, Empirie und Praxis effektiver Rechtschreibdiagnostik 

Hein, Katrin; Fay, Johanna; Ghayoomi, Masood 

2011 workshop of the ISCA (International Speech Communication Association) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Speech and Language Technology 

Berkling, Kay; Fay, Johanna; Stüker, Sebastian 

12th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2011)  

Stüker, Sebastian; Fay, Johanna; Berkling, Kay 

Titel Autor

Fay, Johanna; Berkling, Kay; Stüker, Sebastian 

Fay, Johanna 

Fay, Johanna; Berkling, Kay